• Iterm2-theme-for-mac Walled

    Iterm2-theme-for-mac Walled Iterm2-theme-for-mac Walled

    10 Must know terminal commands and tips for productivity (Mac edition) Before I start I have to mention this is heavily inclined towards Mac OS, since we’re going to be installing iTerm2, some commands apply for Linux as well. 首页 归档 分类 标签 GraphQL和Protobuf-iOS端实践调研. 发表于 2018-06-14.

    The default TERM type iTerm reports is xterm and that should be sufficient from your Mac's end of things to see colours. The problem is there are two things in play here: your local iTerm terminal and the remote machine and it's shell configuration. If you haven't setup your shell to show colour, it doesn't matter what your iTerm is reporting for TERM. It sounds like the problem is on the remote end and that you haven't configured ls on your Linux system to output colours. Try setting in your environment after you ssh in to your Linux machine.

    Here is one way to do it: export LSCOLORS="rs=0:di=01;34:ln=01;36:mh=00:pi=40;33:so=01;35:do=01;35:bd=40;33;01:cd=40;33;01:or=40;31;01:mi=01;05;37;41:su=37;41:sg=30;43:ca=30;41:tw=30;42:ow=34;42:st=37;44:ex=01;32' That should give you a fairly good chance of ensuring you see colours when you run ls on any directory. Adobe photoshop for mac. If you like the settings, make them permanent by adding that line to your /.bashprofile file on the Linux machine. You can also use the newer, more generic, COLORS environment variable and point it to the /etc/DIRCOLORS file that should exist on most modern Linux installations. More tools will key off this than just ls so you'll see colour in tools like grep too. Add the following to your /.bashprofile: export COLORS=/etc/DIRCOLORS to add colours to more tools.

    I describe two cases below which present oddities that I can't really wrap my head around. I suspect it has to do with how many colours are allowed. I also think that the issues (tmux background bleed and VIM borders) are actually two separate issues, but I have not been able to get them to occur simultaneously.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated! Case 1: VIM only (in iTerm2) The solarized dark color scheme appears as shown on the. Age of empires 1.0 free download for mac full game. However, the pane borders in VIM are absent and lack color. For good measure, my.vimrc is open on the right pane.

    Best Iterm2 Theme

    Case 2: VIM + tmux (in iTerm2) The background is almost always brighter than in Case 1 except for some darker areas (which is what I expected to see in the first place.) On the other hand, the pane borders in VIM appear normal and coloured. My.tmux.conf is open on the right pane.

    Best iterm2 theme

    Iterm2 Solarized Theme

    Details VIM was installed via Mac Ports. OS X 10.9.1.

    Upgraded from Mountain Lion. iTerm2 iTerm2 - Preferences - Profiles - Terminal - Report Terminal Type: xterm-256color. Installed solarized theme. VIM 7.4. Installed via Mac Ports.

    Installed solarized theme.vimrc in first image. tmux 1.8. Installed via Mac Ports.tmux.conf in second image UPDATE 1: I have managed to fix the background bleeding issue because I found on StackOverflow.

    Jason Yeo's solution worked for me (the accepted and most upvoted solution by Seyeong Jeong did not work for me.).

    Iterm2-theme-for-mac Walled