• Adobe Acrobat Pro X V10.1.4 For Mac

    Adobe Acrobat Pro X V10.1.4 For Mac
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    • Jun 5, 2012 - On my own computer, I have an older version of Acrobat Pro which works just fine. I am on a MacBook Pro running OS X 10.8.2 Mountain Lion. Same problem here too using Acrobat v10.1.4, very annoying.

    Use Adobe Acrobat X Pro software to deliver high-impact communications that combine audio, video, interactive media, and a wide variety of file types into a polished, professional PDF Portfolio. Get feedback faster through easy-to-manage electronic reviews.

    10.x products introduce cumulative updates, so it's never necessary to install more than two updates to get to the latest version. Windows.

    Acrobat updates are always MSPs. Quarterlies are cumulative to the base release. Reader updates are usually MSPs, but can be an MSI or depending on the download source and release type. Quarterlies are cumulative to the last released MSI (for example, 10.1).

    MSIs are full installers. Mac OS.

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    Mac OS updates are a.PKG installer contained in a.DMG. Acrobat and Reader updates are a.PKG installer contained in a.DMG. For the English version of Reader, a full installer is also available. Note: For details about various types of deployments (ARD, AIP, GPO, SCCM, and so on), see the Enterprise Administration Guide available from the.

    Click to expand.I am having the same problems, only way to open PDF files is opening Acrobat then choosing file/Open, same for closing them just clicking cross on top left of document does nothing have to choose file close. This also happens when I create a PDF proof in Indesign and set Indesign to view PDF once created.

    Acrobat opens but just to welcome screen where you again have to choose open/file etc etc. Also can not close welcome screen by clicking cross on top left. I have tried disabling both splash and welcome screen on load up but still does not directly open file.

    Have just updated Acrobat to latest update 10.1.3 which has not solved this, also on Lion 10.7.4. This is an absolute pain when creating files in Indesign. I was in the same boat I tried Applejack and repairing permissions and using Onyx to rebuild the launch services to no avail. This on Acrobat X 10.1.3. I uninstalled it and reinstalled Acrobat X from a CS 5.5 standard installer. This worked perfectly and I am now back to normal.

    I would guess there is a bug in the CS6 installer and that a patch will hopefully come out as a future update. Perusing Mr Google, it seems that lots of folk are having the same problems so if you buy CS6 and you have acrobat X already installed, don't uninstall it in favour of a new fresh install because you will be up the creek without a paddle. BTW after I uninstalled it I did install it again from the CS 6 install and it was just the same, so I uninstalled it twice (including the preferences) just to prove the point. Age of empires 1.0 free download for mac full game. I suppose to take it to the nth degree one could try and install it on its own from the CS6 install DVD to see if it works OK before installing the rest of the software? Long winded but I hope this helps.

    Adobe Acrobat Pro X V10.1.4 For Mac

    Click to expand.CS6 version not the problem. Just letting you know. Definite bug though. Acrobat Pro current version is working fine for me.

    PDF's open immediately for me. Lots of bugs to still be worked out in CS6. I am having problems with After Effects CS6 not wanting to render a SWF file that includes any kind of jpg, png, tif, psd, etc. Filed bug report with Adobe and they are currently working on a fix. This bug everyone will have. Lucky I still have CS5 around to work with when I find a bug. Contact Adobe let them know about it.

    Maybe there is something they can do for you. Same issue withAcrobat 11 I am having the same issue with Acrobat XI PRO (11.0.0).

    I had 10.x installed when I first noticed the problem, so I ran a system clean with Onyx rebuilding permissions and launcher files, no change, so I uninstalled Acrobat 10.x and re-installed, no luck, so then I downloaded Acrobat XI Pro and did a clean install, same situation. I can only open pdf's from within the app and I have to use close from the file menu to close the file as the left upper red-dot close button does not work. I have searched Adobe forums and can't find a single mention of this issue, but there are many references to it online. I am on a MacBook Pro running OS X 10.8.2 Mountain Lion.

    This really sucks as opening mail attachments and such require boring down to the file location or saving to a new location to open easily from within the app. I have notified Adobe, but, of course, no response. Just curios if anyone else had made any headway on this issue.

    Adobe Acrobat Pro X V10.1.4 For Mac